How to Make Vagina Wetter

a drop of water falling into a body of water

Vaginal wetness is normal and comes from glands in the cervix and walls of the vulva. These glands increase their output when sexually aroused, which helps lubricate during intercourse and decrease the risk of painful friction.

Women who are experiencing vaginal dryness, particularly during perimenopause or after menopause may find relief with personal lubricant, especially water-based ones (non-water-based lubes can damage latex condoms). Drinking plenty of water, exercising, and trying penetrative positions before sex can also help.

1. Exercising

The muscles that help you control your bladder and urethra—better known as pelvic floor muscles—can also strengthen for vaginal lubrication. Try doing Kegel exercises that activate these muscles, which are located in the front of your abdomen. You can do this by tightening these muscles for about 30 seconds a day. It’s best to do these exercises while sitting or lying down.

Many women can experience vaginal dryness due to pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, as well as some medications. However, if this is something that has been going on for a long time, you should talk to your doctor.

Another thing you can do is exercise your clitoris, which will naturally increase the amount of lubrication produced in your body. During sex, you can use penetrative positions that will get the blood flowing to the clitoris and cause it to engorge. This can be particularly effective if you’re trying to conceive, as it can boost your fertility. You can also use a lubricant like a water-based lube or a silicone lube. This will make sex more comfortable and may even help with orgasm.

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2. Drinking plenty of water

Vaginal dryness is common and can affect women of any age. It can cause painful sex, loss of interest in sex, and even lead to infection. To help combat it, you can drink plenty of water and use a natural lubricant such as KY Jelly or Astroglide.

The gynecologist says drinking enough water keeps your cells hydrated, which in turn can aid in lubrication. She also adds that some soaps, dyes, perfumes and scented products can pull moisture out of your cells and lead to dehydration, so be sure to use all-natural products on your vulva and avoid those that are heavily scented or perfumed.

If you’re a woman over 50, you might be experiencing hormonal changes that lead to vaginal dryness. This condition can be exacerbated by smoking and certain medications, such as antihistamines, that are often dehydrating. To help get your lubrication back on track, try adding some low-oxalate green vegetables to your diet, such as spinach, in addition to fruits, such as mango, which contains vitamin C. These nutrients boost blood flow and keep your vulva hydrated.

3. Exercising your clit

When a woman is properly aroused, she will naturally create lubrication in her vagina. If she is unable to do this for her partner, they may feel uncomfortable and assume that the problem is something personal or that she doesn’t want them to touch her [2].

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It is important that women are able to self-lubricate because insufficient lubrication can cause painful sex and even lead to sexual avoidance, which is not good for both partners in the long run. If a woman is not able to do this for her partner, she should try using a lubricant, such as a sex oil or a water-based lubricant. It is also important to remember that some lubricants can damage latex condoms and diaphragms, so it’s best to always use the correct lubricant.

Many women find that Kegel exercises help to tighten their clit, but it can be difficult to know when these exercises are working. Fortunately, there are several sex toys designed to provide feedback on Kegel exercises, such as the Ben Wa balls and various weighted dildo-like exercisers.

4. Getting a good night’s sleep

A woman’s hormones often go topsy-turvy during the luteal phase of her menstrual cycle, and that can make it difficult for her to self-lubricate. A lack of lubrication can lead to painful sex, making it hard for your partner to get turned on. It can also put a strain on your relationship, especially if your partner misunderstands the difference between vaginal discharge and lubrication (4).

Getting a good night’s sleep can help with both lubrication and arousal. When you’re sleeping, your body releases a lubricating substance called cervical fluid. That fluid can be a clear liquid, but it can also look pink or blood-tinged. During sex, the fluid helps create a slippery surface that reduces friction and increases pleasure and orgasms (5).

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Foreplay also stimulates sexual arousal and increases blood flow to the genitals, which causes your labia and clitoris to swell. That increased elasticity in the area increases lubrication and reduces pain (6). Besides using foreplay, try incorporating other arousal techniques like massage or erotic videos into your bedroom routine. You can also use a natural oil balm to rub on your vulva.

5. Getting plenty of rest

If a woman’s hormones are out of whack, it can make it harder to feel turned on and to get her clit wet. But getting plenty of sleep, practicing self-care and chilling out a little can help bring her back to center.

For instance, a lot of women have low libido when they go through the menopause transition. That’s because the ovaries start to produce less estrogen, and that can dry out the vagina. But hormone treatments can replace the estrogen, and that can help.

A healthy vagina usually has a lot of natural secretions that provide lubrication. But, sometimes a woman’s body might need something extra, like lube or even a good old-fashioned foreplay to feel really wet and ready for sex. If a girl is having trouble, it’s important to be open with her partner about her feelings and talk about ways to increase foreplay. It can also be helpful to find a counselor who specializes in sexual problems. They can work together with a couple or alone to help resolve issues that can lead to sexual dysfunction.

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