What Does a Healthy Vagina Taste Like?

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A healthy vagina can taste a bit metallic or bitter, and may also have salty or sweet hints. It can change throughout the month, such as after menstruation (since blood has a metallic flavor) or when you sweat a lot, which can leave it tasting salty.

Avoiding scented products, staying hydrated and wearing breathable underwear can all make your vulva smell better. And eating the right foods — especially those packed with probiotics — can help boost your health down there.


Typically, a healthy vagina has an acidic slant that helps strike the proper balance of bacteria. This ph level creates a flavor that some describe as yogurty, tangy or fermented. Some also experience a metallic or copper penny-like taste, especially right before and after menstruation as the blood can elevate the pH. Sweat can produce a slight salty taste as well.

The pH level can be altered by a few things, including your diet. Garlic, asparagus and other vegetables that produce strong pee odors can alter your vulva’s natural taste. Also, alcohol can make you sweat more and increase the amount of fluid secreted in your groin, which can affect the flavor as well.

If you notice that your vulva tastes strange or has an unpleasant fishy odor, this can indicate a change in the bacterial balance, perhaps due to a new soap or medication. It may also be a sign of infection, like a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis (BV). Infections can smell and taste terrible, and you should see your gynecologist if this occurs. They can look for and treat the cause of your odor and taste, and get you back to a healthy state. Regardless, remember that everyone’s vulva is naturally unique and can change throughout the day. It’s also important to stay hydrated.

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The vagina is naturally self-cleaning, and it’s known to taste a bit salty. However, a number of things could alter the typical vaginal ph, including sex, bacterial overgrowth, hormones, diet, use of detergents and lubricants, sexually transmitted infections, and even hydration status.

If your vulva isn’t typically a bit salty, and suddenly becomes so, this could be a sign of a vaginal infection or STI. In such cases, it’s a good idea to see a doctor as soon as possible.

In addition to the saltiness of a healthy vulva, it can also have a slight metallic or penny-like flavor (because of its iron content) after menstruation, as well as a little bit of a salty taste from sweating.

While no studies have been done to connect certain foods with changing vaginal tastes and odors, anecdotal evidence suggests that spicy food can make the vulva feel spicier, while asparagus and wheatgrass shots may cause it to taste grassier, and pineapple is thought to sweeten it.

But is it really worth investing in a gummy that claims to make your vulva taste like pineapple? Probably not. Instead, there are a few simple things you can do to boost your natural vaginal ph and help it smell and taste great. This includes eating more bananas, fish that are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, yoghurt, pineapple and plenty of water.

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Many vulvas have been taught to think that their genitals are gross, smelly or taste awful from movies, TV shows and commercials promoting genital hygiene products. But that is so untrue! A healthy vulva is actually quite a bit different than the rest of our bodies and has its own unique taste and smell. In fact, a healthy vagina can be quite sweet!

It is normal for the vulva to have some acidity, especially during and after menstruation, which can cause it to taste slightly metallic. It is also common for the vulva to smell somewhat sour or fermented, which is caused by billions of lactobacilli bacteria in the vulva, which help resist the overgrowth of potentially harmful microorganisms.

The best thing to do is avoid anything that can alter the natural pH balance of the vulva, which is a key factor in how your vulva tastes and smells. Drinking alcohol, smoking and sex toys made of synthetic materials can all change the taste and odor of your vulva.

There is a lot of information out there about foods that can affect how your vulva tastes and smells, including garlic (which can make it taste strange) and asparagus (which may change the flavor of your pee). But none of these have been proven to be true! In fact, if your vulva tastes and smells bad, you should contact your doctor, as this may be a sign of an infection.

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Although many female-specific products claim to deodorize and mask the odor of your vulva with fruity scents, there’s no valid scientific evidence that they change how it smells or tastes. Feminine washes, sprays, and lubes may temporarily mask or alter the flavor of your urine and sweat, but the best way to help your vulva be at its most luscious is through your diet. Avoid spicy foods like asparagus and curry, as these produce scented sweat, as well as any alcoholic beverages or smokes that can increase perspiration and body odor.

It’s also important to drink plenty of water, which can keep your vulva and other body parts hydrated, as well as eliminate any unpleasant odors. Try to eat more foods that are known to have beneficial effects on your microbiome, such as bananas (they’re rich in antioxidants and contain probiotic bacteria), salmon (rich in omega 3 fatty acids), and yogurt (which has good bacteria that can help fight off any bad bacteria).

It’s true that some people have reported that their vulva tastes slightly metallic or penny-like at certain times of the month, which is likely due to hormonal fluctuations. However, this can be a sign of an infection, such as bacterial vaginosis or trichomoniasis, which are both treatable. While your vulva will never taste exactly like roses, it should always be natural and neutral in both its aroma and flavor, with hints of sweat, musk, or body odor.

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