How Long After a Yeast Infection Can I Have Sex?

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Having sex while you have a yeast infection can make your symptoms worse. It can aggravate irritation and itching. And it increases your risk of passing the infection to your partner.

Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of the fungus Candida albicans in the warm, moist environment of the vagina. They typically cause itching, a cottage cheese-like discharge and irritation.


A yeast infection is caused by an overgrowth of a yeast species called Candida on areas of the body. It can cause pain, itching, and vaginal discharge.

There are a number of ways you can treat a yeast infection. Yeast infections are common and affect women of all ages and genders. Yeast infections are not sexually transmitted, but they can be passed from person to person during intimate contact.

If you have a yeast infection, avoid having sex until your symptoms are completely clear. Many over-the-counter medications like Monistat or Gyno-Daktarin can reduce symptoms in a few days and cure the infection within a week. But don’t stop taking the medicine until you finish it, as a missed dose can make the infection return. Additionally, most over-the-counter antifungal medicines contain oil, which can weaken latex or polyisoprene condoms during sex. This can increase the risk of pregnancy and irritation.

Yeast infections can be caused by a variety of factors, including hormone changes during pregnancy or breastfeeding, changes in your menstrual cycle, and using vaginal products like douches or sprays. Yeast infections are also more likely to occur after having sex, as physical contact can change the natural pH balance of your vagina and introduce new bacteria.

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Yeast infections typically don’t go away on their own, so it’s important to get treatment right away. Your health care provider will recommend a short course of over-the-counter medication for uncomplicated yeast infections, or may prescribe an oral antibiotic treatment if your infection is more serious.


It’s normal for your vagina to have yeast and bacteria. But, when there’s an overgrowth, the fungus can cause extreme irritation and itching. And, it can cause a cottage cheese-like discharge that resembles clotted blood.

You can find a lot of yeast infection information online, but our picks include MedlinePlus and the U.S. National Library of Medicine’s Women’s Health site. Both sites offer the basics, but MedlinePlus also provides a more patient-centered clearinghouse for the latest clinical trials and journal articles on yeast infections.

A yeast infection can cause pain and itching in the labia and vulva, which can make sexual activity very uncomfortable. Penetration can aggravate the irritation and itching and introduce new bacteria. And, if you’re using a lubricant to help with penetration, it can cause the lubrication to overcoat the irritated areas, which can exacerbate the itching and discharge.

It’s important to note that a yeast infection can also occur in the penis, which can cause a painful rash and itch at the tip of the penis. It’s rare for a yeast infection to be spread through sexual contact, but you can get it from your partner if they have one themselves. This is another reason it’s important to use condoms, even after you’ve cleared up a yeast infection. That way, you can be sure that you haven’t passed it to your partner.

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Yeast infections are contagious, and having sex while you have one can spread the infection to your partner or make his or her symptoms worse. Sexual intercourse can also prolong your yeast infection by causing friction between the labia or vulva, which in turn can cause itching and inflammation. It can also aggravate the irritation by introducing new bacteria, whether from a sex toy or your own fingers. Additionally, sex can remove any ointment or cream you’ve put into your vagina, reducing its effectiveness.

Having sex while you have a yeast infection can also interrupt your treatment, depending on the type of medication you’re using. Even penetrative sex can push creams or ointments right out of the vagina, making it difficult for them to work. And sex can damage condoms or diaphragms, which may erode the latex in them and expose you to bacteria that could contribute to your yeast infection.

It can take up to a week for most over-the-counter yeast treatments to clear your symptoms, so you’ll probably want to wait until that happens before getting down on the floor. And if you have recurrent yeast infections, you may need longer courses of treatment or preventive measures that require a doctor’s prescription. A PlushCare doctor can help advise you by phone or video chat which steps to take.

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A yeast infection can cause pain during sex and increase the risk of getting a sexually transmitted disease (STD) during sex. It’s best to wait until the infection is gone and the symptoms have subsided before having vaginal sex or oral sex.

It’s also important to remember that some antifungal medications used for yeast infections are oil-based and can cause damage to latex condoms or polyisoprene lubricants. These medications may also irritate genital tissue, making the skin sensitive and causing more friction during sex. This can also allow for more of the fungus to enter the body during penetration and increase itching.

Yeast infections are common, especially in women, and they can be caused by a variety of things, including antibiotics, lubricants, new partners, oral sex and pregnancy. However, most of the time, yeast infections are easily treated and preventable. It’s a good idea to talk with your doctor about the things that trigger you to get these infections so they can help you find ways to avoid them in the future. If you have a yeast infection, it’s important to follow your treatment plan as prescribed by your healthcare provider to ensure that the infection goes away quickly. You can also take steps to prevent yeast infections by eating a healthy diet, practicing good hygiene and wearing loose, comfortable underwear that doesn’t keep your genitals warm and moist.

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