Female Ejaculation – Where Does it Come Out?

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We’ve known for 2,000 years that some women expel milky-white or gray liquid during sexual excitement and orgasm. This fluid, called ejaculate, or G-spot fluid, is not urine. It comes from the Skene’s or paraurethral glands, also called the female prostate, and looks like watered-down fat-free milk.

It contains fructose, which is found in male semen, and it may contain PSA, an enzyme that helps sperm move.

What is ejaculation?

Female ejaculation or “squirting” is the release of liquid from your vagina during sexual activity. It’s a fluid that feels like milk and smells mildly sweet, though it can vary from person to person. It can happen during orgasm, and some people are more prone to squirting than others.

In general, only a few milliliters of a milky, transparent fluid is released during ejaculation. It’s not clear what triggers the release, but researchers suspect it’s related to stimulating your G-spot or the Grafenberg area (a sensative spot along the front wall of your vagina). It’s also important to remember that not all women squirt and that sexual pleasure can still be had without it.

While the research on female sex is relatively sparse, one study found that squirt fluid contains urea, creatinine and uric acid (the chemicals in urine). The liquid released by squirting probably comes from the Skene’s glands or paraurethral glands, which are located along the front of the vagina near the urethra.

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These glands can be stimulated by clitoral stimulation and other types of orgasm. The fluid that’s produced is similar to pee but with more protein. It has a milky, sweet taste and doesn’t smell as strong as urine. Squirt fluid can also vary in size from person to person. It might feel more or less forceful, depending on your body type and the position you’re in during sexual stimulation.

How do I know if I’m ejaculating?

For a long time, people thought that female ejaculation was actually urine, further adding to the shame and stigma surrounding women’s sexuality. But even though the fluid from squirting does pass through your urethra, and it shares some components with urine (namely creatinine and urea), it’s not solely pee. Sex and arousal can put extra pressure on the bladder, causing some leaks. It can also happen if you have weak pelvic floor muscles, which is why it’s important to exercise and strengthen those muscles.

The truth is, experts are still working to figure out exactly what the liquid is that squirts out during orgasm. But it is safe to say that it is not pee, and that the squirting sensation is coming from the glands called the Skene’s glands, located close to the G-spot. The fluid itself can feel a bit like diluted milk, and it might have a slight smell or taste to it.

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Some researchers suggest that the squirting fluid is a mixture of both the prostate’s lubricating liquid and urine. But whatever it is, more research needs to be done so that we can fully understand and normalise this natural phenomenon. Until then, try to relax and enjoy it! Lay down a towel to help with clean up, experiment with different positions and toys, and make sure you use body-safe lube to get the most out of your experience.

What is the ejaculate like?

The fluid that squirts out during female ejaculation is a whitish liquid that’s thicker than pee and looks a little like diluted milk. It doesn’t smell like urine, but it can have a slight sweetness to it. It’s also very slippery. And it feels a little different for everyone. The position you’re in, your level of arousal and more can all affect how the fluid feels.

For a long time, researchers thought female orgasmic expulsions were mostly pee. But a few small studies in the 80’s turned up evidence that it isn’t. And since then, more research has come to light. One 2022 study found that squirting isn’t just pee, but it’s also a mix of other liquids including some secretion from the Skene’s glands.

The squirting fluid also contains prostate-specific antigen and fructose. It has a similar composition to male semen. That’s why it’s sometimes referred to as G-spot fluid, although the G-spot itself is not actually a spot in the vagina. It’s actually a part of the clitoral hood that extends from the vulva (1).

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What are the symptoms of ejaculation?

The fluid that ejaculates out of your body during orgasm looks and tastes like milk, and smells sweet. It can be a bit thicker than pee, and it’s very similar to male semen, though it doesn’t have the same scent. Some people don’t ejaculate at all, while others experience it almost every time they have an orgasm.

It’s been a part of female sexuality for 2,000 years—Aristotle wrote about it, and Galen was aware of it in the second century C.E. Regnier de Graaf made a clinical description of it in 1642, and in the 1800’s Alexander Skene further characterized this organ and named it the female prostate gland (or Skene’s glands). The late 80’s saw the reemergence of the term ejaculate for this phenomenon, after scientific studies finally proved that it was not urine.

It’s important to distinguish ejaculation from “squirting.” Squirting happens any time you’re aroused, and isn’t limited to orgasm. It’s usually a smaller amount of liquid that eases out, rather than a big gush. The sensation of squirting can be different for everyone—different positions, and your level of arousal can all affect it. It can also feel the same as orgasm, but without ejaculation—squirting can still be pleasurable for your partner. Some people think it’s less intense than ejaculating, but that may depend on your individual sensitivities.

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